4, when it shines at magnitude –4.9, easily piercing the bright twilight. The first planet to appear after sunset is Venus, hanging low in the southwest. Capture the top features of the solar system in one evening by spotting the changing phase of Venus the spectacular rings of Saturn and the remarkably dynamic jovian atmosphere, its Great Red Spot, and Jupiter’s four bright moons.
You can also check out a free sample issue here.December’s early-evening sky offers a slew of planetary views, beginning with Venus, Saturn, and Jupiter - all on show soon after sunset. Click here to get these deals which only will be available for a very limited time. To learn more about Cartes du Ciel visit the official website.Īnd to make it easier for you to get the most extensive telescope and amateur astronomy related news, articles and reviews that are only available in the magazine pages of Astronomy Technology Today, we are offering a 1 year subscription for only $6! Or, for an even better deal, we are offering 2 years for only $9. – Allows the ability to lock at the position set from the menu View/Position. – Option to not filter the bright nebula by magnitude, only by size. – Option to show only the celestial equator line. – Separate label setting for Asteroid and Comet.
– Added update menu for Delta T and Jupiter GRS. – Allowa per chart observatory horizon profile. – New button to Park/Unpark the ASCOM telescope. – Set observatory coordinates from the telescope GPS, this set a “Telescope” observatory name and does not override other settings. Calendar rise/set are always given to the astronomical horizon. This can be disabled in Setup/Observatory. – Shows the object rise and set time relative to the local horizon if a horizon file is loaded. – New mosaic tool to prepare mosaics for image capture. – Allows the use of the HNSKY star catalog in the “290” format. – Support for the new GAIA DR2 star catalog.

It is now possible to use a telescope connected to a remote ASCOM Windows computer from Skychart running on Linux or macOS. – Add direct connection to Alpaca telescope. Use larger image for big buttons and high-resolution screen. – New icon for the buttons, better suited for night vision filters. – New default interface with two button bar. In the latest version 4.2 of Cartes du Ciel offers the following changes: A large number of parameters provide the ability to choose specifically or automatically which catalogs to use, the color and the dimension of stars and nebulae, the representation of planets, the display of labels and coordinate grids, the superposition of pictures, the condition of visibility and more. The main functionality in the program is the ability to prepare different sky maps for a specific observation session. The position of planets, asteroids and comets are also shown. It provides the ability to draw sky charts, making use of the data in many catalogs of stars and nebulae.
Cartes du Ciel is a free open source planetarium software to use on Windows, macOS or Linux platform.